React Practice With GraphQL
Hello, and Welcome to my blog! Recently I have been working through some tutorials from Thinkster.io. In this blog post, I will be reviewing my experience going through the React and Redux tutorial. I completed the tutorial using the GraphQL API I made. The tutorial uses a REST API, so I had to make lots …
GraphQL RealWorld API – TypeScript, JWT, MongoDB, Express and Node.js
Hello, Welcome to my blog! Following up on my most recent post “RealWorld API – TypeScript, JWT, MongoDB, Express and Node.js”. I have modified the REST API I made into a Graph QL API. What is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language for an API. GraphQL allows front-end applications to have control to specify the …
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RealWorld API – TypeScript, JWT, MongoDB, Express and Node.js
Hello, Welcome to my blog! Recently, I subscribed to a tutorial website called Thinkster.io. Thikster has tutorials dedicated to making production-ready applications. They have tutorials for many different frameworks. I decide to go through their node.js tutorial. I also wanted to get more comfortable with typescript, so I changed the tutorial up some by implementing …
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Rule Of Five – C++
Hello and Welcome to my blog! To keep my skills sharp while I am looking for work, I have been reviewing what I have learned at college. Today I reviewed the Rule of Five in C++. The rule of five is the programming pattern that states when a class implements any of the following functions, …
Reversing Words Order in C++ and Using CMake
Saw this challenge in a job posting, thought I would give it a try. I also set up CMake for the first time to build this project. It worked great. I was able to create the program on my windows machine using the command line as I wanted. I think I like Linux Make a …
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Analysis of FLAC – Stage Three of Three – SPO600 Project
Hello and welcome to my blog! For my final post this series, about my SPO 600 project, I will discuss the last part of the project, the pull request to the upstream project. And, I will be reviewing what I have learned while working on this project. PULL REQUEST: Here is my the link to …
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Analysis of FLAC – Stage Two of Three – SPO600 Project
Hello and welcome to my blog! In this blog post, I will be writing about my final project for my software portability and optimization class SPO 600. In this post, I will review the work I have done with the FLAC project. If you didn’t read the first post in this series, you could find …
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Analysis of FLAC – Stage One of Three – SPO600 Project
Hello and welcome to my blog! In this blog post, I will be writing about my final project for SPO600. The goal of this project is to optimize an open-source library. To complete the project, I had to choose one of the following tasks: alter build options, code changes to permit better optimization by the …
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SIMD with C Intrinsics and Inline Assembler – Lab5 SPO600
Welcome to my blog. This post will be about using SIMD with C. SIMD is an acronym for Single Instruction Multiple Data. SIMD is a form of vectorization where the computer performs the same operation on multiple data points simultaneously. What I did for this lab In this lab, I will be looking at three …
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Manipulating large data – Lab4 SPO 600
Welcome, in class, we learned about a few different ways you can represent data in a computer. We learned about integers, fixed-point, floating-point, graphics, and sound. This lab focuses on sound data, which is one of the larger forms of data. How we record sound? The way we record sound is by sampling it. The …
Writing In Assembler x86 and aarch64 – Lab3 SP0600
Hello, In this post, I am talking about how I am furthering my understanding of computers, so I can understand how I can properly optimize software. I am writing about learning how to write assembler code on the x86 and aarch64 platform for my software optimization class lab. To complete this lab I performed the …
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Code Review – HelloWorld.c Lab02
Hello, In the following post, I will be looking at seven different ways that you can compile a simple hello world program in C. I will be using the following four flags for the GCC compiler. -g # enable debugging information -O0 # do not optimize -fno-builtin # do not use builtin function optimizations -static …
SPO 600 – Lab 1
Hello, This post is the start to a new blogging series I will be doing, and it will revolve around the work I am doing for my SPO 600 class at school. SPO 600 is the course code, and the full name is Software Portability and Optimization. The course has a public wiki page if …
NodeChat Development
Have gotten a bunch of PR’s this past week, since this is the last week of class. Everyone is finishing up their release 4, which means the project has made some great progress. We now have the continuous integration system Travis, that helps with managing the app. And, we are working on es-lint and prettier, …
Finding a JS bug using chrome developer Tools
Another issue was filed in the cube-roll project, Issue #4 which was a problem with the games score not updating. It turned out to be a small fix but I wanted to go through how I found where in the code the bug was. I first started the game and duplicated the problem. I then looked through …
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Fixed restart bug in Three.js game cube-roll
While I was looking for a game to help develop, I found the game cube-roll on github. The bug I fixed was issue 1 : cannot restart game, the problem occurred after you play a round, the game will freeze and you were not able to restart it. This turned out to be a fun project to work on, …
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Continue development of chat app.
Development on the chat app has been going good. Few things I would like to get finalized would be a continued integration system, linting, tests and database. I think travisCI would be a great addition to the repo. Took a class today that explained how to implement travisCi into a GitHub repo. It looks like …
Maintaining a GitHub Project
Wow I now have a much better understanding of the life of a project maintenance, after this week. So, a few classmates have now joined the NodeChat Project, the week started simple by me posting a bunch of issues for everyone to work on. But, once they started to work in the project, they started …
Release 3
So far for release 3, I have been working on preparing the NodeChat repo for my classmates. I have been working with the owner (Josh) of the repo to get permission’s to the Nodechat repo in this issue. He has been very helpful, I now have the required permission’s to edit the repo and he gave …
Hacktoberfest 2018 – My experience
Hacktoberfest 2018, was a great learning experience for me. I was able to find a great project for this event, that fit my interest’s and ability’s. Starting this event was a bit challenging, I knew I wanted to work with something with java script. And I also, wanted to work on more front end development. …
Hacktoberfest – Added user is typing… feature using React and SocketIO
This blog post covers my 5th pull request of Hacktoberfest 2018!!!! For a few days I wasn’t sure if I would be able to reach the 5 PR goal. I got super busy with another project, which I may put a blog post up about that project sometime. I was able to work hard on …
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Hacktoberfest – Bug Fixes and Styling in NodeChat app.
For my 3rd and 4th pull request of Hacktoberfest, I didn’t work on much new technology, like in my previous pull request’s. Instead I thought I would fix a bug that was added during the move from a jQuery site to a React site. And I added some styling to the messages on the NodeChat …
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Hacktoberfest – Adding sound and images to a React app
Hey everyone, It seems like allot of people like to over complicate adding sound and images in React. They will often make a whole separate class to control their sound or image files. Which definitely has its place, if your sound or images needs bunch of options then definitely make a class to control it. …
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Hacktoberfest Week Two – React and Push.js
In this week of Hacktoberfest, I added push notifications to the Node Chat project in my most recent Pull request. I used the Push.js library in order to accomplish this task. Well learning how to do this, I din’t find much documentation on using Push.js with React so I put together a small tutorial for today’s …
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Hacktoberfest Week One
In my first week of Hacktoberfest I started off without any particular project in mind. I had a few ideas of what I wanted to work on, so I started by searching GitHub for a project. I was looking for something using JavaScript or C++. After searching for a while I came across a application …
My First Open Source Pull Request!!!
About a week ago I started working on the open source project Filerjs. This has been my first experience with working with the collaboration features in git and GitHub. I learned allot about the full process of using git and GitHub to help develop a opensource project.
How to find the path of a file using fs.realPath()
Hello and welcome to my blog!!! Below is a guide on using the fs modules realPath() method found in nodejs. Few things to know about….
Sept 14, 2019: First Blog Post
Welcome to my first blog post! My name is Corey, I am currently a student at Seneca college. I am in my 5th semester of the Computer Programming and Analysis Program.